Any personal trainer worth their salt will hound you about proper form and technique when exercising. The reason for this is because proper form is vital to not only your muscle development, but primarily our own safety. There are a few general guidelines for you to follow if you don’t have a trainer, or you want to try something on your own.
Flat Back. Keep your back flat like a board whenever you do squats, deadlifts, cleans, snatches, or any exercise that required you to bend over. This is a vital rule of thumb in any sort of weight lifting, though there are a few exceptions. Your back is strong, but it is susceptible to many injuries if it is in a vulnerable position. Having the muscles tight and firm will protect it from most injuries.

Feet Shoulder Width Apart. Yes, there are exceptions to this rule too, however, it is a good general rule to follow for a beginner, or trying a new exercise. This simple stance allows for good balance a mobility for almost every exercise.
Go All the Way. If you’re going to bench press, for example, then you have to go all the way down and all the way up. This may seem intuitive, but when you’re fatigued on your last rep, you’ll be tempted to give up mid way or do a half-rep. Don’t do this, especially if it’s somewhat heavy weight. You put yourself at risk of injury if you lose composure.

Have A Spotter/Partner! Generally, people think of spotters are only for heavy weights. Though that’s what most people use them for, it isn’t the only purpose they serve. Having a partner is generally the safe thing to do when exercising. They can see things that you can’t see or can’t focus on and vice versa. You make each other better and stronger!

The best way to ensure your safety when exercising is having good form. Though, it takes practice and some getting used to, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. No matter what, always stay strong and stay safe when you lift!