Paul Griffin

Beginner's Guide to Pull Ups

How do you do more pull ups at a time? The simplest and most basic method is doing as many pull ups as you can do to build up your strength over time. Though, what does one does if they can’t do any pull ups? If you’re starting from zero, or if you want to be able to do more than one or two at a time, then there are a couple of strategies that’ll help you up.


Pull Up Machine/Weight Assisted Pull Ups. This is the most direct and effective way to practice pull ups. The pull up machine allows you to experience and train the muscles associated with a pull up. You can use the machine until you’re able to do pull ups without assistance, and go from there. If you’re gym doesn’t have a machine like this, or you workout at home, you can ask somebody to hold onto your legs to reduce the amount of weight you must lift.


Lat Pulldown. This exercise simulates the general motion of a pullup, and works many of the same muscles. The benefit of this is that you can adjust the weight to whatever you’re comfortable with and work your way to the pull up bar.


Adjust your grip! This isn’t so much a training exercise as it is a general tip, but changing your grip can drastically change the difficulty of a pull up. For example, a supinated grip pull up (knuckles facing away from your body) is much easier than a pronated grip pull up (knuckles facing toward your body) . Try both and see what works!


Push Ups. Push ups are simple and free. They allow you to strengthen your shoulder and back muscles that will assist you later when you attempt a pullup.

A common mistake many people make with pullups is that they try to use exclusively their arms. While they do play a vital role, it is really a combination of your arms and your upper-back. You should feel your shoulders squeeze together near the top of the pull up. Pull ups are difficult exercise, especially for beginners. However, with some effort, you too can reach new heights with your pull up.